On the Plane 

Hey guys!

I am on the plane right now and am writing this on my laptop! I was gonna post this while I was still on the plane, but it costs to use the wifi. (It’s called Gogo Inflight Internet…exactly who thought up the name??) We got to the airport around 5:30 and it was surprisingly easy to get on our flight. After parking the car, we got on a shuttle bus which brought us right in front of our Check-In. We confirmed all our info, walked through security (the people were great, firm but kind and kept things moving insanely fast which was awesome), and boarded our plane. No hassle, not too much rush, and no hold-ups. I love BWI. Anyway, I’m looking forward to the rest of the flight and the take off was awesome. I love that feeling as your accelerate and the ground just suddenly lifts away. Like a rollercoaster, but better. I’m above the clouds right now probably hundreds of miles away from Gaithersburg, and I can’t wait for the rest of my vacation.

Kudos peoples!